家具在线 > 家具厂商 > STELLAR WORKS
上海 上海市
About Us Stellar Works stands for a renaissance of refined culture and Asian aesthetics. Inspired by the long standing craft and industry of traditional cultures, it represents a commitment to bridging the gap between old and new, east and west – in attitude, form and application. Stellar Works seeks to reintroduce past collections of classics, alongside culturally -inspired contemporary signatures. It infuses freshness into heritage and grounds innovation with enduring craftsmanship. LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN In 2012, we established Stellar Works as a way to bring ideas together: East and West, heritage and modernity, craft and industry – bringing the best of the past into the light of the present. Our aim was to inspire a renaissance in Asian aesthetics, taking the forms, styles and motifs that have characterised Japanese design across the centuries and filtering them through the lens of the European tradition to create something new and timeless. I believe that this bringing together of cultures is what sets us apart, both in terms of the character of our creative output and the strength of our business today. From the beginning, Stellar Works has benefited from the strategy and dynamism of Japanese operations management, the high-end craftsmanship of French furniture making and the technical proficiency of our Shanghai production team. Our role as a preserver of the past extends beyond our production methods. The most obvious example would be our vintage lines, which keep the iconic designs of 20th -century greats, such as Vilhelm Wolhert and Carlo Forcolini, in production, with a few material updates appropriate to the modern day. But Stellar Works’ signature collections, too, could not exist without the aesthetic histories they pay tribute to. Look over our contemporary furniture ranges and you see glimpses of design movements from across the 20th century – a touch of Bauhaus crafted functionality or the refined simplicity of mid-century Scandinavian – often seamlessly fused into the classic forms and patterns of the Asian creative tradition. Designs and designers like these are the creative heart of our company. Without exception, they have an instinctive understanding of the Stellar Works mission and a talent for drawing and combining creative inspiration and craft technique from multiple places and periods. It would be only too easy to end up with a product that didn’t work – a clash of cultures or a conceptual mismatch – but Stellar Works’ designers have a gift for harmony: they create furniture that is both an extension of an existing tradition and the expression of a new one. We have chosen this path between the old and the new because I believe good design is timeless design. A particular style of furniture may be all the rage for a while, but if it looks tired after a decade, it’s not good design – it’s a passing trend. Stellar Works aims to be timeless. I would like to think that 100 years from now, our pieces will still be as contemporary and resonant as they are today and, moreover, that Stellar Works will still be crafting quality furniture that is Asian in inspiration, cross-cultural in design and international in its scope. – YUICHIRO HORI 关于 Stellar Works Stellar Works 致力于延续文化精髓,引领东方艺术复兴。同时,Stellar Works从经典风格和传统手工艺中汲取创作灵感,所设计的产品从设计理念、外观造型及使用功能上,皆完美展现了经典与现代及东西方美学文化的融合。 Stellar Works传承匠人精神,在产品制造工艺上不断革新,使不朽的经典设计重放光芒,并创造出新颖别致的当代作品。 创始人致辞 从 2012 年诞生之初,Stellar Works 融合东西方、经典与现代的设计理念,一直是品牌关注的焦点。以欧洲经典美学理念为主干,在产品中引入独特的日本设计元素、造型、风格和图案,引领亚洲美学复兴。同时,品牌不仅注重手工艺的传承,又结合了当代手法,使其每件家居臻品彰显出历久弥新的永恒之美。 历经数年洗礼,我们的家具系列已经在全球市场上占据一席之地,项目遍及世界各地的私宅、高端酒店、餐厅和商业公共空间。我们巧妙地将欧亚大陆的经典设计理念、手工工艺和生产技术结合起来,充分体现了品牌的全球化视野。因此,Stellar Works 已经成为值得我们为之深感自豪的品牌。我认为,文化融合已成为我们独树一帜的标志,这既让我们的创作成果引领风潮,也是公司取得如今骄人业绩的奥秘所在。Stellar Works 自创立以来,一直得益于日本先进高效的经营管理策略,法国精湛的家具制作工艺,以及上海生产团队雄厚的技术实力。 Stellar Works工厂创立在上海——一个有着丰富底蕴的国际化都市并发展成为全球家具制造中心。但是,在这个市场中仍有许多品牌厂商过份依赖机械生产线的效率,一味追求低成本、大批量的生产模式,丧失了对工匠精神的坚守。事实上,我们认为上海本地拥有丰富的家具生产资源及成熟工匠,而这些都有待进一步挖掘。 将工厂设立在上海也得以实现我们致力达到的两大目标。首先是利用中国优越的成本优势为客户提供极具性价比的产品。同时,Stellar Works秉承其对品质的执着精神,确保每一件产品都能彰显手工打造的细节和匠心。 虽然日本和法国均拥有悠久的手工艺传统,但由于工业化的极速发展及过度依赖采购外包,导致传统手工艺的日趋式微。因此,Stellar Works致力于保护并弘扬中国独有的手工艺等方面的传统优势,用创新、专注、品质铸就来自上海的原创家具。 其次,从选材到加工,严格把控层层工序。同时,在细节上也决不让步,生产的每一个环节都可以进行追根问责。因此, 我们可以轻松为客户提供专属的家具定制服务,而这一点是其他众多品牌难以企及的。我们对原材料采购进行严格控制,确保材料来源完全透明。例如,所用的木料皆产自森林管理委员会认证的森林;五金、布料和皮革也都备注原产地信息。因此,我们承诺所生产的家具产品均符合环保要求。 Stellar Works不仅在制造工艺上传承经典技艺,其旗下的典藏系列产品更是将 Vilhelm Wolhert 和 Carlo Forcolini 等 20 世纪设计巨匠的传世之作重新演绎,并对部分原材料进行更新及细节升级,使其更加贴合现代都市生活方式。 因此,Stellar Works 经典系列的成功也再次证明了品牌对美学史发展历程的尊重。此外,我们的当代家具系列在某种程度上也映射了20 世纪西方设计的演变:从推崇实用手工艺的包豪斯(Bauhaus)设计理念到风靡上世纪中期的斯堪的纳维亚(Scandinavian)的极简风格,均被巧妙地融于亚洲美学的经典形式之中。例如:在 Lunar 系列中可以看到丹麦设计团队 Space Copenhagen 将经久不衰的中国装饰艺术和简约舒适的北欧风格糅合在一起。而 Shuwa Tei 设计的New Legacy系列则对大阪佛寺建筑风格进行了全新演绎,赋予其更符合现代审美的简洁轮廓和从容优雅。 携手全球顶尖设计师一同缔造优雅设计,一直是品牌的核心价值所在。他们皆深谙品牌的使命且才华横溢,能从不同时代和地域的设计理念及工艺中汲取灵感。事实上,有时文化差异或设计理念的不一致会使合作充满不确定性和挑战。但 Stellar Works 的设计师具有融会贯通的天赋:他们设计的作品既体现了经典传统的延续,又是对现代潮流的诠释。 Stellar Works一直致力于经典的设计,我们坚信经典源自于传统与创新的有机结合。唯有如此,方能令Stellar Works的产品永不落伍,长久流传。我希望在未来我们能一直致力于融合亚洲美学,继续坚持探索各国文化,持续创造出面向国际市场的精品家具。更希望我们的家具在百年后仍不过时,并唤起时代共鸣。 – 堀雄一朗
工作日8:30 - 17:30