产品介绍:Carole coffee table-rose gold 茶几, 现当代茶几款式。茶几桌面有钢化玻璃和实木等材质可选。架子部分是不锈钢材质镀膜,搭配金色或者玫瑰色,柔美的颜色搭配完美的线条组合形成不规则几何图形。这个款式的使用能给你发来新的想法和想象。现有尺寸1200*600*400mm,尺寸可根据客户指定要求制作。该款式结构还能广泛的运用于案桌,边桌和餐桌等造型。该款式结构可拆装。 Carole coffee table-rose gold, Modern & contemporary coffee table, with tempered glass top(available in wood top also), take use of the line combination to get a unique geometry structure. Stainless steel frames gives it a Charming shape and powerful and strong base to support. The stainless steel can be colored as rose gold, golden color and other others as customer need. This coffee table brings life to a good imagination and brings up ideas. The size is 1200*600*400mm. Size can be customized and can do with console table, side table and dining table also. The top can do with clean glass and wood top. The structure can be knock down.