CNC数控仿形切割机(CNC contour cutting machine) 型号(Model):ZLD008A-1 ZLD008A-2 切割速度(Cutting speed):0-6.3m/min 0-6.3m/min 切割精度(Cutting precision):±0.5mm ±0.5mm 电机功率(Motor power):8kw 10kw 外型尺寸(Dimensions):6000×3100×2300mm 6000×3100×2300mm 重量(Weight):1800kg 2800kg 本产品是一款当前最先进的全自动电脑海棉切割设备,主要适用于各类海棉不同形状的几何切割,该设备主要特点有:微电脑操作,国际流行的CAD绘图排版;人机界面全程加工实时监控,可自行设定加工参数; 高精密的伺服运动系统,具有切割速度快,切割精密高,工作效率高等优点; 绿色环保功能,切割无粉尘,无噪音;操作系统Windows XP/Vista;图形软件AutoCAD. Briefing: The machine is the advanced and fully automatic conputerised foam contour cutting machine,can out the various shape by computerised system Operated by computer and use CAD software to design the shape for the foam blocks. Make fulluse of the foam blocks and extremely save the raw material(foam blocks) cost. The oerator can monitor the whole process simultaneously and design all the data by themselves. Epuipped with high precision servo mechanism system;rapid cutting speed and accrurate cutting;can enhance the working effciency.No dust raise during cutting process,low noise.can enhance the working efficiency.No dust raise during cutting process,low noise. Operating system;windows XP/Vista desiging software:Auto CAD cutting software:Foam cutting control system.