1.床头采用简单设计,现代时尚,简约明快,床头采用弧度结构,美观、大气,在床头两边有两根金属加实木圆棒支架,稳固不易摇晃。 Simple and fashion design Headboard with a strong arc structure,supported by two frame that made from solid timber and steel materials.It is stable and durable 2.床头与床体采用四个螺丝连接,坚固耐用 Headboard and bed is connected by 4 screws, strong and durable 3.独特的排骨架设计,排骨架与床栏和床身之间采用胶垫,避免使用过程中产生噪音。 Unique design slat base,rubber is using to connect it with the bed, which can avoid the noise. 4.排骨架采用杨木制作(生长周期慢,柔韧性好)透气性好,人容易进入睡眠状态。 The slat base is made of imported flexible aspen wood, which have excellent permeability, and are comfortable and durable 5.床腿采用五金实木结合加固、底架有超大五金榄管框架加固:且采用人性化圆弧形设计,时尚十足。 Bed leg is constructed by solid timber and metal material,and the base is strengthened by a huge metal frame, which is fashion and elegant